The evidence Phoenix Wright finds is based on evidence in the series, including common items in the series like a knife, an autopsy report, a cell phone and a photograph.
Phoenix Wright has three stances, based on Ace Attorney 'Investigation Mode' and 'Courtroom Mode' references the two main modes of gameplay in his series, while 'Turnabout Mode' references one of the main themes of the game Wright's ability to turn a situation on its head and change everyone's view of the case.
Main article: Phoenix Wright gallery Trivia He even made a combo tutorial video for players who wanted to use him in competitive play. One of the most famous players to main him is Lythero, who also mained Viewtiful Joe and Dante as his two teammates. He also has a relatively medium to high damage output (which is further increased in his Turnabout Mode), a decent amount of health, and a very damaging Level 3 (although this one requires him to be specifically in the Turnabout Mode). With this in mind, his gameplay is, coincidentally, defensive-oriented: a mix of a keep-away character (projectiles and other moves with wide/long range) with high combo abilities (moves that strike multiple times and hit OTG). This makes him somewhat limited at first (as he has access to only three special moves in Investigation Mode), but grows exponentially during the course of the fight. Each stance has their own set of special moves and command normals. He has three modes (stances): Investigation, Courtroom and Turnabout Mode. Many of his special attacks also function that way. His regular moves consist of simple mundane actions such as ducking to search for clues, looking at paper documents and even sneezing (which serves as his Launcher Attack). Phoenix Wright possesses a wide arsenal of moves, with a variety of effects and uses.